
bibelot (/ˈbib(ə)ˌlō/) a small object or trinket of curiosity, rarity, or beauty.

Bibelot is a literary magazine for and run by high schoolers.

Our name refers to objects of curiosity, fascination, and beauty.

At Bibelot, we believe small things can bring beauty and joy to each and every one of our lives. This philosophy is why we started this magazine.

We want to document and commemorate each tiny happiness that threatens to fall through the cracks of our daily lives. To us, each and every emotion is a wonder, and we want nothing more than to display the brilliance of every trinket that many may pass off as insignificant.

Colorful or dull, tiny or large, joyful or sorrowful, we sincerely hope that you can come to place your precious things in our hands.

inaugural issue

issue one

coming soon in the spring